Friday 8 October 2021

At the Pet Shop

Here we are at the pet shop, in the parrot section:
Customer: Do they talk?
Manager: Some do, some don't ...
Customer:  I want to hear one speak. How about his one? 

Customer to parrot: Polly wanna platform?

Parrot:  Feathered Lives Matter.
Customer:  Of course they do, Parrot.
Parrot:  Polly "takes a deep dive". Do you feel safe?
Customer:  I beg your pardon?
Parrot:  Do you feel safe?
Customer:  Uh … sure. Does Polly feel safe?
Parrot:  Polly's thirsty.
Customer:  Ah! Polly wanna drink?
Parrot:  Yes, something medium dry, with musky undertones and a fruity finish, please.
Customer:  What am I, the bartender? Polly's a bold old bird …
Parrot:  My name's not actually Polly. That's a girly name.
Customer:  Sorry. 
Parrot:  Misgendering Is Violence.
Customer:  Aren't they the clever parrot then. … Now what are they doing, Parrot?
Parrot:  Reversing their position on the perch.It's Re-versity For Di-versity. I'm pivoting. 
Customer:  Oh.
Parrot:  I'm changing the positionality of my performativity to make it more escalatory.
Customer:  Of course. But why do you keep hopping up and down -- it looks exhausting.
Parrot:  We're doing our Formal Air Acknowledgement.

Customer: You seem so human. 
Parrot:  We're not a human. Mis-speciesing Is Violence.
Customer:  Well you sure parrot like a human. 
Parrot:  Just "reaching out".
Customer:  Shall I reach in?

Manager to Customer:  Hey! Don't open that cage! If you stick your hand in there he'll peck you.
Customer:  Me? But we're friends. Allies. We've bonded.
Manager:  Yeah? So, you wanna buy a parrot? 
Customer:  No thanks.
Manager:  Because it doesn't talk enough? Maybe that one doesn't, but they can learn, you can compel their speech if you work at it. 


This story is reproduced from LITERARY YARD,, 2024/02/10 It's a common fairy-tale theme -- imprisonment in a tower ...