Thursday 13 October 2022

Dr. Manners' Election Etiquette For Candidates and Voters


Tell us what you would do in office; not what you think others should NOT do

Don't attack your opponents in the media; speak only about your own platform (voters like positivity)

Meet voters at doorsteps and gatherings; do not spend time digging into the historical past of other candidates' ancient emails so as to find something to shriek about (DON'T shriek, or jeer, insult and ridicule opponents, or attack voters' ancestries)

Never remove or deface opponents' flyers, posters or lawn signs

If you see someone else's lawn sign knocked onto the ground, stand it up again (wouldn't it be nice to know everyone else would do the same for you?)

If you claim any environmentalist intention in your literature, do not even HAVE a plastic lawn sign (hypocrisy is a turn-off)

Remember that personal conduct is more important than promises, in campaigning (character trumps ideology)

Avoid terminally-overused words like: privileged, marginalized, unsafe, vulnerable, and "people experiencing ..." whatever.  

Don't use (anti)social media to get your message out


Look for and share what you support in a candidate's platform; don't harp on the one thing you disagree with

Personal conduct of candidates is more important than promises; vote for civility, not ideology. (Which would you prefer to see on Councils for the next four years?)

Never remove or deface posters of candidates you disagree with (remember freedom of speech??)

Don't go to (anti)social media to get information 

Ignore what you dislike; echo what you do like (don't attack; only defend. Negativity is corrosive.)

This story is reproduced from LITERARY YARD,, 2024/02/10 It's a common fairy-tale theme -- imprisonment in a tower ...