Friday 25 March 2022

When 'Chief Archivist' means 'Chief Censor'

Happened again! -- life out-satiricizing satire. This time, because Canadian History disobeyed the Top Ten Ideologies (BAD History!), Canada's government archivist cancels 7000 pages from the national records. 

All dictatorships purge records. In this case, it's to be anything not written from "indigenous perspective". 

Although "Archive" is defined as the "place where public records are kept", it's apparently legal for the archivists to hide history from the public. That is theft, and failure to protect publicly-owned records.

You can ban historic records but you can't change history, whether it has "content that offends some people" or not.

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This story is reproduced from LITERARY YARD,, 2024/02/10 It's a common fairy-tale theme -- imprisonment in a tower ...