Showing posts with label COVID language - humour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COVID language - humour. Show all posts

Tuesday 7 September 2021

Change of Vocabulary, Post-COVID

We hope we've inoculated COVID away,

and want certain phrases also not to stay

Let's hear no more of “vaccination”,

“plexiglass” and hand sanitation

Don't say “lockdown” or mention a mask,

and who's been vaccinated let's not ask

Don't say “challenged”, don't say “bubble”,

all reference to “distance” reminds us of trouble

Let's stop saying “tunnel”, with light at the end of,

or planks or curves we flattened the bend of

Don't say “essential” of services or workers,

or visitors, travel, or "virtual-shirkers"

Don't say “needle” or even “arm”,

which reminds us of horrors and causes alarm

Hospitals: stop saying “herd immunity”

and “respirator” with impunity

To skip all reference is wiser,

to Astrazeneca, Moderna and Pfizer

The very mention of a vax passport

often causes nothing but a very loud snort

When we hear “pivot”, “variant” and “surge”

to cover our ears is an overwhelming urge

If COVID really ends these words will melt away,

we'll choose other language, having other things to say

Maybe something eloquent without a silly rhyme?

Let's save that habit for another place and ... day. 

This story is reproduced from LITERARY YARD,, 2024/02/10 It's a common fairy-tale theme -- imprisonment in a tower ...