Wednesday 29 January 2020

Yes it IS my fault, thank you very much

"It's not your fault." That's what people say when they're trying to be nice, trying to be comforting. But that's not what they're being. If "it" isn't my fault, then whose is it? Who's in control? The Universe, or me?

I don't like the way The Universe keeps muscle-ing in on my business, trying to dominate (and forever changing its plans at the last minute). My faults are me. Take them away and you take my identity. Then what am I left with -- my virtues? Not much substance in that. Anyway, "virtue" is all the same, but faults are individual. So don't take mine, Universe. You think everything's about you. You've already got enough faults of your own -- whole earthquakes-worth of them, spread across billions of planets. So you don't need to take credit for mine.

I'm happy to take the blame for them. To let someone else take it is to cede control -- and if that was lost, it would be my fault. What's the use of being independent if you can't be independent from Everything? So when things go wrong it wasn't "it", it was me. I'm in charge. So dear friends, life coaches, therapists and whatever … please don't tell me whether something's my fault or not. Next thing I know you'll be telling me something wasn't my accomplishment. 😉

This story is reproduced from LITERARY YARD,, 2024/02/10 It's a common fairy-tale theme -- imprisonment in a tower ...