Friday 15 January 2021

"Have a Good Day"

"Have a good day" we say to one another -- so here's a list of good days to have:

January 18th -- Winnie the Pooh Day -- a day to celebrate one of the most important characters in literature. Don't let anyone take this day away from you, don't lose it like wise sardonic Eeyore who lost something important ("Someone must have taken it -- how like them.")

January 25th -- Robert Burns Day -- Get the bagpipes out

January 27th -- Family Literacy Day -- Should be as important as Christmas (especially if you've forgotten who Robert Burns was …)

March 3rd -- World Wildlife Day -- Should be Every Day

April 23rd -- English Language Day -- Should be a RED LETTER DAY (in support of the other 25 letters too …)

April 24th -- Independent Bookstore Day -- Could help with previous -- Apr. 23 & Jan. 27)

May 3rd -- World Press Freedom Day -- Self-explanatory, let's hope

May 20th -- Word Bee Day -- If we want to keep eating

May 23rd -- World Turtle Day -- Why not?

June 5th -- World Fishing Day
June 8th -- World Oceans Day -- This and the previous go together, the second depending on reducing the first

June 13th -- World Albinism Day -- Don't let this one fade out of sight

Sept. 8th -- International Literacy -- Would be a good idea

Sept. 9th -- International Day to Protect Education From Attack -- Ditto 

Sept. 17th -- World Patient Safety Day -- Got to wonder what happens on the other 364

October 1st -- International Day of Older Persons (how much older?)

November 18th -- World Philosophy Day -- Could hold a conference on the Philosophical Implications of the Wisdom of Holding a Lot of Commemorative  and Instructive Days -- ?
October 31st -- World Cities Day -- Not surprisingly this falls on Halloween, day of monsters and spooky places

And as for vital weeks, make a note of February 21-27th -- Freedom to Read Week

This story is reproduced from LITERARY YARD,, 2024/02/10 It's a common fairy-tale theme -- imprisonment in a tower ...