Wednesday 1 September 2021

We otter do better with birth control


“Weaker Penis Bones in River Otters Linked to Oil Sands Contaminants" – CBC News, Nov., 2020

Does the oil industry hold the secret to human over-population control?

In case you weren't aware: the male river otter's penis bone is long, curvy and slender. Daintily referred to as a “baculum”, it has become even daintier in Canadian otters thanks to contaminants produced by Canada's oil sands industry. Noting that otters living close to sites of fossil fuel extraction have the most brittle penis bones, resulting in smaller otter families, scientists see a clue to solving human over-population – almost eight billion – which is a greater threat to the planet than are fossil fuels.

Some biologists are concerned about otters' (family Lutrinae) reproductive success, while others are interested in human contraceptive success. Entrepreneurs are looking at ways to market the softening oily by-products to humans who prefer chemical to surgical birth control (vasectomy).

“Snake oil,” respond researchers, when asked about this marketing initiative.

“Greasy anti-life opportunists,” accuses the Catholic church, stiffening its opposition.

“Fossil Age thinking by the pope,” respond pro-choicers.

Oil sands extraction will continue to fuel controversy. As for the human overpopulation crisis, most conservationists agree “we otter do better”.




This story is reproduced from LITERARY YARD,, 2024/02/10 It's a common fairy-tale theme -- imprisonment in a tower ...