Monday 4 April 2022

Moving Day -- Wild Animals' Yard Sale

 About to be evicted from habitat by development, the animals are holding a Yard Sale. Their "yard" is a field, and their homes are trees, shrubs and ponds. Developers will pave the fields, drain the ponds and chop down the trees. Now, the animals lay out their wild-ware for a Field Sale.

"Here's a collection of nests," say the robins and sparrows. "Two worms a piece."

"This lily pad sells for three worms," says Frog. "It's a good thick green one. I don't know what I'm going to doze on now."

"We've got a lot of pollen to offer," announce the bees. "We over-harvested, it'll go cheap, a real bargain."

"I'm going to transport my acorns elsewhere," says Squirrel. "I'll have to find new storage. Blue Jay might share the cost with me."

"You'll have to search out a big luscious garden nearby, Deer, full of foliage."

"Are there still such places?"

"I don't see a lot of customers," frets Frog. "Who's going to buy all our stuff?"

"Sorry to tell you, but most may end up in the landfill-compost. The crows will swoop down and take a few items at the last minute."

"Probably won't even pay."

"They'll give you a few feathers."

"What do I want with feathers?" croaks Frog.

"What are YOU selling, Raccoon?"

"A bit of recovered insulation foam, but most of it we'll store in a hollow log we know of. When the hideous human monster houses are built, we'll come back and move into the basements. We can sub-let to rats, if necessary."

"I'll have to move on," mourns Robin. "You'll be okay, Chickadee, you'll find some eaves to nest in. Want to buy some nesting grasses to take with you?"

"Thanks, Robin. Two worms, you said?"

"I'm worried about the homeless feral cats near here." says Deer, "and that old horse in the bottom field. Where will HE go? He won't be invited to graze on someone's lawn, that's for sure."

"I know!" squeaked Squirrel, excitedly flipping her tail. "Let's start a Homeless Creatures Shelter Society!"

"Hmm ... might work ..."

"We'd need to enlist domestic animals as well," trilled Robin. "Pets: they're the animals with influence."

"Okay! Who volunteers to sit on the Board?"

"Is that like sitting on a fence post?" asks Blue Jay. 

"Or like sitting on a lily pad?" asks Frog.

"No," says Squirrel, "I'll show you where our Board will sit ... follow that old horse ..."

This story is reproduced from LITERARY YARD,, 2024/02/10 It's a common fairy-tale theme -- imprisonment in a tower ...