Friday 10 June 2022

Writers: See Our Updated Submissions Guidelines

Dear Writers,

Thank you for contacting our literary magazine; please note our Submissions Guidelines:

In your query letter please declare your/thy/their pronouns at the outset. Consider yourself compelled.

Although obsessed with pronouns we don't really like nouns. They tend simply to name what they name -- nominatively -- and then turn out to be triggering to many readers, sooner or later, leading to excessive online unfollow-hood.

Adjectives might be suspect if they lean toward Wrong-Modifying. Verbs too are problematical what with tenses, indicatives, infinitives, subjunctives and other grammatical micro-aggressions for which we have a zero tolerance policy. (Grammar is colonialist.)

Balanced points of view will not be tolerated, as our literary mission is to save society from itself. We are proud of our appropriate (but never misappropriated) bias, and we deal in nothing non-stigmatized. Write from a margin only. 

To apply for inclusion on our Yu-tube channel, please note we like our Talking Heads to be empty, because Blank Lives Natter and we offer viewers an exciting line-up of natterers displaying identical Protected Characteristics, and possessing a diploma in Advanced Grievance Studies.

We invite youth (anyone under 37 1/2 -- possibly about to Age Out of Care) who wish to instrumentalize opposition to able-normativity, to submit work via their case-workers. Send an Author Bio including a headshot of your/thy/someone's Therapy Animal (unless it's of a European breed).

Editorial response time will depend on the colour of your skin.

This story is reproduced from LITERARY YARD,, 2024/02/10 It's a common fairy-tale theme -- imprisonment in a tower ...