Saturday 20 November 2021

Miniature Worlds and Imagining Mind -- a mental health response to pandemic restrictions

Were you one of those millions of urban dwellers worldwide condemned to life in a box in a tower block, during the pandemic? Presumably millions in Europe -- Austria for a start -- still are. Did you resort to devices like this:

"Humans are designed by evolution for society, talk, interaction, for watching and mimicking others, criticizing, cajoling, encouraging, comforting in turn. Screen-life is no substitute; screen life is fake life. Depression stalks us now, tracking some folks down to their suicidal lairs. Or up to lethal tower block heights. How many, gazing out the tiny window, dream of jumping?
       “Only go out for essentials” say the health officials. Here's what's essential: fresh air, movement, sunshine, night skies and the smell of leaves. Zooming is not essential, Google News is not essential. These are distractions, traps and diversions and in the end, corrosive.
       On the table in the sitting room squashed up against the bedroom of my box, I have built a miniature world. There's a castle, and a farm, a farmhouse and some trees made of twigs gleaned from the municipal park across town. A family – dream characters – lives in the farmhouse. A queen lives in the castle, as do her ladies-in-waiting, and lots of knights, her visitors of the night. In my night-visiting dreams I imagine their dramas unfolding, and the farm animals stirring, the owls watching, the earth of the miniature-landscape seething with microscopic life.

       When the world shrinks we must make an inner world grow, the one we may reveal in miniature displays and the imagining mind. This is resilience … "

(See the whole article, "The Box and the Bubble", by Flora Jardine, at:

Wednesday 17 November 2021

Is Literacy "Cultural Genocide"? How Do We Reconcile With Censorship?

How Did Literacy Come to be "Cultural Genocide"?

We need without fear to to ask questions about Canadian residential schools and "cultural genocide". Those who established the schools intended two things: to educate aboriginal people by imparting literacy and academic knowledge, and to draw aboriginals into the mainstream as employed non-dependent members of society. Would this change them? Undoubtedly. (Education is supposed to change people.) Was that "genocide"? That buzzword hadn't been invented when native schools were set up, and wouldn't have been understood. Education was education, and boarding school a common institution.

Does that mean nothing bad ever happened in them? No strict discipline, no separation from families? No, it doesn't mean that. Pedagogical theory was not what it is today, and the churches who ran many of the schools had additional agenda of their own, which now seem questionable. 

Presumably some pupils did learn to read, however. Did they learn math, and something of the world -- its history, its geography? Undoubtedly. Was that bad, from an inclusion-and-equity point of view? Presumably universal education has social value? Or do we really now think general literacy is "cultural genocide"?

Reason suggests that perpetuating an underclass of unemployable illiterates excluded from schooling would have been a lot more like cultural genocide than was establishing places where academic skills were learned.

Maybe they were under-funded and some staff were under-qualified: that we can picture. Can we not also picture that dedicated well-qualified individuals also joined residential school staffs because they had a teaching ideal of their own? A personal career goal, a desire to contribute?
There used to be abundant writings (histories, diaries, correspondence) describing students' positive memories of residential school -- but you won't find them now. They've been excised from the record and from library shelves; they don't fit present ideology. Censorship is no sin in present political ideology; in fact it's becoming a national pastime. Why?

Is it fair that teachers who were caring and gifted at their jobs should be lumped in with those who were the opposite? That is what we do through hysterical outbursts every time anyone suggests there might have been principled educators who went to remote lonely parts of Canada to teach first nations kids for commendable reasons. They sure didn't go for high pay and creature comforts. In their worldview, literacy mattered. We are the ones who demote it, who parrot ideological slogans out of fear of being "racist", and of being de-platformed from jobs and social media. Tell those early educators that they "stole" aboriginal languages (which had no written form at all, of course, and weren't shared among the warring tribes themselves), and they would think their descendants had gone mad.

We've gone unjust. We've marginalized and victimized many now-anonymous teachers who might have enriched the lives, in many ways, of some first nations students.

Our favourite national pastime is toppling statues of people who for better or worse built our (passably democratic and prosperous) country. Maybe a generation from now they'll erect a Memorial to the Unknown Teacher, the one who inspired a kid here and there but whose name we have made a point of erasing from the history books. That erasure will come back to bite the ideologues one day, for there's no reconciliation with censorship.

Tuesday 9 November 2021

The Hidden Violence Around You -- Who Knew?

You think you live a quiet life, minding your own business in peaceful surroundings? No: there's hidden violence all around. Remember when there was just common-or-garden-variety violence? Violence of the street, perpetrated by criminals? Now it's perpetrated by everyone, and you probably don't even know all the names under which it rears its mystifying head:

Data violence,  Misgender violence,                                                                    Ablement violence (not to be confused with Disablement violence)            Epistemic violence (and its murderous cousin, Pernicious Ignorance)   Hermeneutic violance,  Policy violence, Symbolic violence,  Categoration violence

These are of course related to the "micros" (fleas of injustice biting the unwary in society's multiple unsafe spaces …): micro-aggression, micro-assault and micro-invalidation ... 

These are closely related to the new generation of "isms": linguicism, normism, audism, blank-slatism, colourism, technofeminism, dysconscious racism (not to be confused, presumably, with conscious racism), vaginism and Zoomism (Okay, I made the last two up; why not?)

So if you go down to the socio-linguistic woods today -- deep, dark and dangerous -- prepare for a big surprise: systemic incomprehension.


Saturday 6 November 2021

Passive-Aggressive Punctuation Is Out To Make You Anxious

A well-known writer and reviewer shared some extraordinary opinions about punctuation as used in online text. Apparently there are new rules: 

"The period can feel so emphatic as to sound sarcastic. It can easily come across as passive-aggressive." Exclamation marks, however, "convey warmth and sincerity; failing to use them runs the risk of making the person you are messaging feel uncertain and anxious."

What. Nonsense. The kind of nonsense that makes one feel uncertain and anxious.

To some writers punctuation is king; it rules the pauses between the tumble of words, providing shape, enriching meaning. It's not about pandering to either warm or anxious "feelings" of readers. Martialing meaning is the whole point of the period (note the Latin for point: punctus). 

In British grammar the period is called a "full stop" because "to stop" comes from the Old English verb meaning "to stuff up or block". Drains for instance, and road traffic, get stopped at punctuated points of blockage. In prose these pauses are no bad thing. (It's handy in speaking too if you wish to stop for breath -- and don't you hate those people who talk in breathless! exclamation! marks!?) Only in a weather report is that okay (Warning! Snowstorm on highway!) Although maybe we also need a Bad Grammar signal: Warning! Illiteracy Ahead!

The comma too is essential, this word has Greek ancestry: "komma". Commas close off a clause with the "least degree of separation" (compared to the period or semi-colon which separate more decisively). With "clause" we're back to Latin and closing off: claudere is "to shut". 

So at the risk of making ourselves "feel uncertain and anxious" let's champion the full use of punctuation by everyone punctilious about the points they're making when they write. Of course, "texting" is something else, neither speech nor writing, and nothing to do with actual texts. "Text" also derives from Latin, textura meaning "relating to arrangement of threads, as in fabric, skin, rock, and literary work". 

So if you're saying anything beyond "me grunt, you snort" you need to arrange your threads of meaning, points, clauses, sentences and paragraphs according to punctuation. And if that idea makes you passive-aggressively anxious, just wait 'til we examine the role of the hyphen …

Friday 5 November 2021

What Can You Do When Your City Hates Your Country?

The municipal council of the city of Victoria, BC has a collective loathing of the country of Canada. Therefore they have voted to replace Canada Day in 2022 with Hate-Canada Day. But with what seems mendacious hypocrisy, they will call it “Civic Inclusion Day”. That means it includes first nations and recent immigrants but not descendants of earlier immigrants, which raises the question: what was the cut-off date when bad multicultural colonial immigrants became good multicultural recent immigrants? (There's probably a History PhD for someone in researching it.)

Recorded council meetings indicate that Victoria Council plans to create a Welcoming City Committee to accomplish Civic Inclusion Day. They will replace fireworks, music, celebration and the red and white T-Shirts cheerfully worn for the occasion by all ages, ethnicities and occupational groups, with something they consider “modest, family-friendly, multi-cultural and anti-racist” (which is code for anti-white-settler).

There will be, in this form of celebration, a moment of silence for “reflection”. (That'll be fun.) And it will be another chance to ideologically lower the flag. Is there any other country in the world as addicted as Canada to lowering their flag? Half-mast is Canada's favourite position -- as if afraid to stand upright and be counted, as a flag-pole. Does being serially half-mast suggest half-full or half-empty? The heads of some of our decision makers seem fully empty.

There will of course be no fireworks allowed in this anti-celebration (too bright, too festive) – except the verbal fireworks in the opinion columns of course, among independently thinking patriotic types.

So what can citizens do when their city hates their country? They can hold their own Canada Day parties -- real parties -- picnics in the parks, beaches and gardens with flags flying, such as the group of friends shown below did in Victoria BC in 2021.

Monday 1 November 2021

Senior Thoughts From Dr. Seuss

From the Notes of Dr. Seuss, Gerontologist

Now that kids who grew up with the early Dr. Seuss books are into their senior years, a new Dr. Seuss is required -- so here's a compendium of rhymes from the picture books (Oh The Places You'll Go, Horton Hears a Who, The Birthday Book, and more …! 

"The Places You'll Go" are not the places you went,
when your future was ahead and your youth mis-spent,
but with a head full of brains and shoes full of feet  
you're still too wise to walk on Foolish-folk Street

You'll walk as far as your walker will go, 
downhill's best, as I'm sure you know,
and think of all the places you'll stay,
while keeping out of other folks' way,
and the thinks you won't think
with the thoughts you've not got,
but this you recall: Sam I am not

Before you know it, you have a hunch,
it's time for another Birthday Lunch,
Well you had to be born or you wouldn't be here,
and as Doctor Seuss added, it's certainly clear
"there's no one alive who is you-er than you"

Chance was, he said, you've been in a slump,
and might even be in another one today,
"Un-slumping yourself is not easily done",
yet was done by the Grinch through his heart, they say.

But Horton's forgotten hearing a Who,
At 90 he barely hears "how do you do?"
When his carer asks him "and how are you?"
he asks her in turn, "you're Cindy Lou Who?"

"Believe me," says Horton, "I tell you sincerely,
my ears aren't so good, they don't hear clearly,
but this I will tell you, if I may be so bold,
"a person's a person no matter how old",
so don't yield your space, don't give an inch,
just try to be the Lorax, and not the Grinch.

Shakespeare For the Modern Audience

Our performance offers a medley of famous scenes from Shakespeare without any elitist non-inclusive language offensive to many diversified and marginalized communities.

We open the curtain on King Lear who is getting lost in a storm, raging against his disloyal daughters, and expressing the feelings of his Inner Child:

“Oh let me not be mad, sweet heaven” -- by which his Inner Child means “Let me not be neuro-variant, sweet safe place”

Adding that “Old fools are babes again”, he stresses that “older differently-abled adults are just as good as newborns”

Meanwhile, in another part of the forest, Hamlet upon seeing the ghost of his murdered father, is wondering:

“Whether to suffer the slings and arrows of this escalatory shit-storm, or whether 'tis woker in the mind to leverage against a sea of its positionality, and by un-friending, de-platform it.”

King Richard by contrast has no doubt about how to win a battle. He on his own battlefield would give up what Hamlet's uncle wouldn't, confirming that he'd prefer a horse to a crown. “My kingdom for a horse,” he assures us, meaning “my traditional territory for an electric all-terrain-vehicle in which to roar across the landscape”

From here our medley switches to a scene in Italy where the Capulet and Montague families are having an ancestral feud. “A plague on both your high-rise low-carbon urban appropriately eco-dense condos”, responds one onlooker. Meanwhile a member of one of the families, Juliet, is trying to contact a member of the other:

“Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art though Romeo?” she texts, while muttering under her breath “why are you being such an elitist privileged misogynist?”

Miranda, after witnessing a Tempest that struck her island homeland, is having better luck with a new immigrant, Prince Ferdinand. After a life spent with only one manic-depressive father for company and one distant neighbour who was … alternative, she fell in love with this first new guy to come along. Finding he had relatives in tow plus a bunch of alcoholic mariners, she expressed wonder: "oh brave new international order," she exclaimed, "that has such multicultural intersectional identity groups in't!"

And as our play comes to an end, three omnivorous old foodies appear and stir a pot in a cooking demonstration for the benefit of Lord Macbeth who, feeling victimized by their harassment, insults them in very sexist ageist terms, even alleging they smell like filthy old people-experiencing-poverty.

Then, clearly himself a person experiencing depression (due partly to his wife tasking him with a too-actionable ask) Macbeth announces that it's time to “out out” all kinds of societal bad actors, plus the brief green-battery low-energy flashlight that lights his way to death. In an obvious fit of post traumatic stress disorder he concludes that “on the coming event-horizon (in fact, three of them) our brief green-battery flashlight will go out-out, and every poor click-baiting content-providing social media influencer too will strut but an hour of performativity upon the platform, and then be blocked".

At this the curtain falls, upon sincere pre-emptive apologies from the cast to whomever might have been offended by their speech.

This story is reproduced from LITERARY YARD,, 2024/02/10 It's a common fairy-tale theme -- imprisonment in a tower ...