Tuesday 9 November 2021

The Hidden Violence Around You -- Who Knew?

You think you live a quiet life, minding your own business in peaceful surroundings? No: there's hidden violence all around. Remember when there was just common-or-garden-variety violence? Violence of the street, perpetrated by criminals? Now it's perpetrated by everyone, and you probably don't even know all the names under which it rears its mystifying head:

Data violence,  Misgender violence,                                                                    Ablement violence (not to be confused with Disablement violence)            Epistemic violence (and its murderous cousin, Pernicious Ignorance)   Hermeneutic violance,  Policy violence, Symbolic violence,  Categoration violence

These are of course related to the "micros" (fleas of injustice biting the unwary in society's multiple unsafe spaces …): micro-aggression, micro-assault and micro-invalidation ... 

These are closely related to the new generation of "isms": linguicism, normism, audism, blank-slatism, colourism, technofeminism, dysconscious racism (not to be confused, presumably, with conscious racism), vaginism and Zoomism (Okay, I made the last two up; why not?)

So if you go down to the socio-linguistic woods today -- deep, dark and dangerous -- prepare for a big surprise: systemic incomprehension.


This story is reproduced from LITERARY YARD, www.literaryyard.com, 2024/02/10 It's a common fairy-tale theme -- imprisonment in a tower ...