Friday 19 March 2021

Once we get post-COVID, let's change the lexicon

Once we've inoculated COVID away

there'll be no need for certain words to stay

Let's stop talking of “isolation”,

“plexiglass”, “meters” and “vaccination”

Don't say “lockdown” or mention a mask,

and whether you're vaccinated I won't ask

Don't say “challenged”, don't say “bubble”,

all reference to “distance” reminds us of trouble

Stop saying “tunnel”, with light at the end of,

or planks or curves we flattened the bend of

Don't say “essential” of services or workers,

or visitors, travel, or virtual shirkers

Don't say “needle” or even “arm”,

it reminds us of horror, it causes alarm

Doctors, don't say “herd immunity”

and talk of “respirators” with impunity

To skip all reference would be wiser,

to Moderna, Astrazeneca and Pfizer

When we hear “pivot”, “variant” and “surge”

covering our ears becomes an overwhelming urge

But if COVID ever ends, these words will melt away,

we'll choose other language, having other things to say

Maybe something eloquent, not said in rhyme,

we can change that too, in another place and … hour

This story is reproduced from LITERARY YARD,, 2024/02/10 It's a common fairy-tale theme -- imprisonment in a tower ...