Wednesday 3 March 2021

Six Books Down -- How many more to go?

According to Dr. Seuss Enterprises, the company which publishes Dr. Seuss's rhyming punning uniquely eccentrically illustrated stories, some of them "center White-ness and White supremacy". So they've got to go (which to many a reader means they've got to be collected, as is usual for banned books. Thank you, censors!) Yet the assault on free speech is ominous. Which title's next? Which writer's next? Once Author is silenced, Reader is left holding the empty book bag. Will the world really be better without Dr. Seuss?

Horton heard nothing, and neither will you,
you won't see any Thing, neither One nor Two,
you won't go anywhere, oh me, oh my, oh no,
some thoughts you think might a Grinch-heart shrink,
and how you'd run a zoo, no one will ever know

When Mother gets home keep your gaze down low,
you had some funny fun with that odd cat you know,
but now's not the time for green eggs or ham,
nor fish one or two nor others red or blue,
or foxes in sockses or creatures named Sam

Cindy Lou Who's but a blond upstart,
she's so supremely White that to drop her would be smart,
the Lorax too's a loser, forget he ever spoke,
let your thoughts go to sleep and you can call yourself woke

This story is reproduced from LITERARY YARD,, 2024/02/10 It's a common fairy-tale theme -- imprisonment in a tower ...