Sunday 13 June 2021

Joining the #I-also Movement

Did #youtoo feel insulted by some man, criticized, sexually appraised? Someone failed to appreciate you or flirted with you or, failing to appreciate, didn't flirt with you? Behaved ambiguously?
You too felt passed over for a promotion? #metoo, echoed women up and down the land. 
The "war between the sexes" is an ancient trope. When was it not going on? (Where would literature, poetry, novels, opera be without it?) 

Sure, people have a right to rights: to inclusion, non-racialism, non-binary-ism, different-ablism, mental health support, freedom of choice …

#Ialso (speaking from the subject rather the object-pronoun stance) know that freedom is practice, not theory,

that ideological thought-control only takes away rights, never preserves them

that "diversity" can only come from diversity of thought, freedom of opinion, freedom to speak without "correctness"

that mental health means mental hardiness and resilience, not permanent adolescence

that some parts of Canadian society exhibit a phenomenon of sub-adultism, dependency, of privilege-envy, a "that's no fair" whine of endless childhood

that individuals are no longer seen as choice-making agents, but as "people experiencing" things, rather than people choosing them -- as if they are experiencing addiction, poverty or homelessness because these things hunted them down

that these observations are not popular, although (and because) they are part of Canadian nation-building heritage familiar to earlier generations

This story is reproduced from LITERARY YARD,, 2024/02/10 It's a common fairy-tale theme -- imprisonment in a tower ...